Integrating Reviews Into Your CRM


If you'd like to integrate the review process into your CRM, you can use your unique profiles links, for example, adding them to any automated emails you have that go to clients.  

To find your client review link: 

1. Log in to your account
2. Click on 'view profile' at the top of your dashboard
3. On your public profile, scroll down to the review section
4. Click on 'leave review'
5. When the new page opens, copy the URL from the top of the page. This is your unique review form link. 
6. Add this link into any automated emails you have that send from your CRM 

To find your prospect first impression link: 

1. Follow steps 1-4 above
2. When you get to the first page of the review form, look towards the bottom of the first screen and you should see "Not a client of [adviser] yet? Leave a review of your First Impression" 
3. Click this link
4. When the new form opens, copy the URL from the top of the page. This is your unique first impression form link. 

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