3 simple ways to invite reviews

Wondering how to start building up reviews on your VouchedFor profile? There are 3 simple ways to grow your VouchedFor review number.

1. Inviting client reviews

Invite all of your existing clients to review your services. This is a great way to demonstrate to clients that you value feedback. 

2. Inviting 'first impression' reviews

Invite prospective clients to review you after their initial meeting. This is also a great way of showing them your VouchedFor profile and all your great reviews.

3. Inviting annual feedback reviews

Switch on 'annual feedback' in your VouchedFor account. This means clients who previously left reviews will be auto-invited to leave an annual follow-up review on the anniversary of their review (or on the date you set). See here for more information on how to set it up!

Click here to invite reviews from your VouchedFor account! 

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