Didn't talk about any sensitive personal information throughout the process


How to improve your score:

Starting your conversations

Establish Rapport. Rapport extends beyond small-talk. Finding genuine common ground to talk about which connects you to your client. In each interaction with your client, spend time talking about what’s important to them. This could be their family, a recent important event or how their football team did at the weekend. The key is to make them feel that your relationship is more than transactional.

Beware starting your conversation with money. This can be an immediate turn off for your prospective clients and risks a superficial conversation preventing you from understanding your client’s real motivation.

Sincerity is key. Ask your client how they are and be genuinely interested in their response. Asking how someone is and then saying “great, so let’s get on with things” shows your question was insincere, killing rapport.

Make it personal

Relevant to them. If you’ve established good rapport, your client will tell you about what’s going on in their life. You can use this to frame their progress in line with their life goals. 

Events and milestones. Make a note of key events (ideally in your CRM system) and ask your client about them the next time you speak to them. 

Touching base. Set a reminder/diary note for you to contact them around special events (retirement, child’s graduation, amazing holiday). Give them a call specifically to ask about the event – don’t talk about business at all in the call.

Active listening. Being conscious of your behaviour and body language when your client is talking. Active listening is a great way to show your client that you’re interested in what they have to say.

Be honest, be you

Be authentic. It’s easy to try and put on a “work persona” when with clients. Whilst this may come across very professional, it’s not you, and people buy into people. Be authentically yourself in all your engagements. 

Own mistakes. Don’t try to cover them up. If you’ve forgotten to ask for something, it’s much better to be honest. People connect more with others who are able to show vulnerability so by being honest, you’re likely to build a deeper relationship with your client.

Be Open. Share some information about your life, including any challenges. We’re not talking about a full therapy session, however sharing shows you to be authentic. If your client feels that you’re being open about your life, they’ll feel more comfortable being open about theirs. 

To give advice, you need to know the whole story. By being your true self, genuinely interested in your client’s life and remembering key events, you deepen your relationship with them. This leads to trust, them providing the information you need and a massive boost in client advocacy.  

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