Value for Money, Quality of Advice & Quality of Service Ratings


Negative reviews are rare as most clients are happy with their adviser.

If you do happen to receive a less-than-positive review however, don't worry! The best thing you can do is reply to it.

Your reply will be publicly visible, and the reviewer is notified that you have replied as well.

Often, a positive reply demonstrating that you are committed to resolving any issues they had, is very effective in turning around a negative review - and actually turns it into a real positive.


Because this demonstrates to anyone reading your reviews that you take on and action all feedback, and are committed to delivering a great service. In fact, it can even generate more trust - one recent external study found that more than two-thirds of users trust reviews more when they are a mix of negatives and positives.

Writing a professional, empathetic reply to a review gives an adviser the chance to demonstrate their personality and their commitment to great service. Put yourself in the shoes of someone considering advice and comparing two advisers: Adviser A only has glowing reviews. Adviser B has mostly glowing reviews but one or two less positive ones, to which Adviser B has replied very professionally. Adviser B will often win!

In your reply, we recommend:

  • Being open and honest, apologising for any errors

  • Acknowledging their criticism

  • Mentioning what you're doing to put the issue right

  • Politely correcting any misunderstanding

You may also be interested to read a blog from The Yardstick Agency on this topic:

If you believe the review is abusive, or is a fraudulent review that is not from a client or prospect, you can report it to us through your Account > Reviews > Report.

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