Review form for Accountants


Review form for Accountants

Below are the questions displayed for consumers reviewing an Accountant on VouchedFor

Your feedback for accountant, [name]

Thank you for reviewing your accountant - it will really help other consumers. Please note - to leave a review, you must have used services from this accountant within the last 5 years. Questions marked * are mandatory.

First, let's start with some overall questions

Quality of Advice* (1-5 stars)

Quality of Service* (1-5 stars)

Value for Money* (1-5 stars)

(tickbox) Yes, I have been a client of [name] in the past 5 years, no-one has submitted this review on my behalf, I understand I am responsible for its content and I accept the terms and conditions

Tell us a bit more about the advice you received and the reasons for your rating.

Which services did you receive from this accountant? (multi-select)

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an accountant?* (free text)
How has [name] helped you?* (free text)
Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?* (free text)
What could they have done better? (free text)

The following questions will not form part of your public review:
How much do you agree with the following statement: "My adviser's reviews on VouchedFor mean I would be more confident recommending them to a friend"*

Optional Questions

The questions below are optional and typically take 30 seconds to complete. If you complete these, you consent to us storing this information and publishing non-personally identifiable information based on your answers. The information is used to help other users of our site, to improve our services and by the adviser and their firm to help deliver a better client experience.

How old are you?
​What is your gender?

What is your occupation?

Where are you based geographically?

​When did you first become a client of this accountant?

Confirm your identity

Before we can process your feedback, we need to confirm you have a valid email address by sending you an email.

This is simply so we can prevent fraudulent reviews. We will treat your data confidentially and we will not send you marketing emails without your explicit permission. We may need to reveal your email address to your accountant - please contact us if this concerns you.​​


(tickbox) I understand you may ask this adviser for email evidence of our professional relationship if required, to help prevent fraudulent feedback

How we display your review

Please enter the following details. It helps us make sure reviews come from genuine clients.

This data is private. We will only ever publicly display your county, e.g. Oxfordshire, next to the review.

First name


Help us prevent fraud (optional and data kept private):



Phone number

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