How will I appear in the Top Rated Adviser Guide?


How will I appear in the Guide?

The information we hold for you may form part of how you appear in the Guide. For example, your firm name and your closest town.

When you qualify for the Guide, we’ll share your listing with you to make sure you’re happy with it before it’s published.

You’ll then have the opportunity to highlight any incorrect information and request any changes.

Here’s the kind of thing you can ask us to edit:

  • Location

  • Your Firm Name

  • Your Name

  • The type of adviser you are (i.e. restricted/whole of market)

We’ll always review every request carefully, but we will always keep consumer clarity and transparency at the basis of every decision.

How do VouchedFor review my request?:

  • Location

We’ll change your location if we can see it’s more accurate to where you operate from. We use a 3rd party database to calculate your closest, biggest town. We don't list counties or larger areas under location to provide maximum clarity to the consumer on the location of your business.

Due to space, we can also only choose one location (for example "Stratford/Bow" would not be approved, but you may be able to choose one of these areas).

London locations are listed slightly differently given the size of the city. We will list the nearest London locations to your business. I.e we will list you as 'Moorgate' and not 'London'.

If your requested location is a reasonable commute and makes sense in relation to where your firm operates, then we’ll be happy to approve your request. Whilst we may be able to change your location for the Guide listing, we may not be able to make this change permanently in your profile if the location doesn’t exist in our database. Don’t worry - this won’t affect how consumers find you on VouchedFor as this will usually be determined by your distance to their postcode.

  • Your Firm Name

We know that there are a lot of firms with similar names across the financial services industry.

We will always go by the FCA register and consider any trading styles that you might use.

We shorten some firm names so that there’s more space for information that benefits consumers, but for the purpose of featuring in the Guide, we’re not able to add ‘’Ltd’’ to the end of your firm name. This is allows us to include other columns and information that offer more benefit for a consumer.

If we've updated your firm name, we'll also ask you to confirm your happy for this change to reflect your VouchedFor profile.

  • Your services/adviser type

We’ll check that your services match the services listed on your FCA register profile.

If you are a specific type of adviser (i.e. mortgage adviser) please note that we can’t display you as a financial adviser unless you offer other regulated services (i.e. investments, pensions etc).

If you offer any service on a restricted basis, we cannot display you as an independent or whole of market adviser.

Some networks may also restrict how you display your services so please check with your network if you’re unsure.

  • Your Name

We’re happy to add an initial to your name if it’s the only differentiator between you and another person in the industry. We won’t show any middle names, just first and last names, and we’re unable to add your qualifications or titles to your name.

If you need to request any other type of change or if you have any questions about our criteria, please do contact the team at

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