Firm reputation tools


What firm tools are available? 

VouchedFor also allows you to manage a firm level profile and access various firm reputation tools. These tools are included within the Verified plan.

This helps to build trust and confidence when consumers are searching for your firm name as well as individual advisers. It also gives you tools to use on your own firm website.

This includes: 

Firm Profile: 

  • An aggregated rating and review count for all the advisers linked to the firm who are verified

  • "About firm" section and aggregate list of services provided by all advisers 

  • Aggregated view of all the reviews for the verified advisers at the firm

  • Firm level 'checks', based on the individual checks we run on advisers profiles 

Firm Reputation Tools:

  • There are several website widgets available for firms:

  • The basic widgets display your firm rating and links to your firm profile:

The above 2 badges are available as a static image for use on your website or other promotional materials.

It is up to your firm to determine where it best to place this, as well as any styling around it (size, position on page, etc). However we generally recommend a prominent position on your landing pages as it's a great way to build trust with consumers who may be researching you.

If you require higher resolution images or any specific formats, please reach out to

Dynamic firm-level tools:

  • The Firm Reviews Widget displays your latest 5 reviews across all advisers, or you can select which reviews you want to feature here. Choose between a light or dark theme to suit your website branding!

How do I access these tools? 

To access these tools, you must be the 'firm administrator' for your firm. Simply to go "Firm" on the left hand navigation, and set the firm admin to yourself. If someone else at your firm has already been set as the administrator, this will be displayed. 

As the firm administrator, you will be able to access the reputation tools and a list of all linked advisers from the "Firm" area. 

If you wish to access network-level tools, please contact

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