Mortgage Advisers - First Impression Questions and Answers


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Your feedback for adviser, [adviser full name]

Thank you for leaving feedback through, this form takes less than 5 minutes to complete.

[Adviser first name] doesn't currently have a public profile on and therefore all responses will initially be private to them and their firm. Should [Adviser first name] opt to create a public profile on in the future, certain parts of your feedback will appear publicly. These are labelled as 'Feedback can be made public' throughout the form.

Feedback can be made public

How would you rate your experience with [adviser first name] so far? (1 - poor to 5 - excellent)*

Please provide a brief comment about your experience with [adviser first name]*

Free text answer

Confirm your identity

Before we can process your feedback, we need to confirm you have a valid email address by sending you an email. Should [adviser first name] opt to create a public profile in the future first name, email and phone number will not be shown publicly on

First name*


Phone number (optional)

□  I understand you may ask this adviser for email evidence of our professional relationship if required, to help prevent fraudulent feedback

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Your feedback for adviser, [adviser full name]

Feedback will remain private to the adviser and their firm

Are you going to use [adviser first name] services in the future?*

  • Yes

  • No

  • Maybe

How did your understanding of the topic(s) you discussed change in your discussion with [adviser]?*

  • I didn’t learn much

  • I learned a little about the topics

  • I learned a lot about the topics

Did [adviser first name] let you know when you can expect the different stages of the process to be completed?*

  • No, I don't have a clear expectation of when the different stages will be completed

  • Yes, and the timeline is quite clear

  • Yes, and the timeline couldn't be any clearer

How confident are you that [adviser first name] has the right level of knowledge to get the best possible mortgage for you?*

  • Not confident

  • Quite confident

  • Confident

  • Couldn’t be more confident

Which of these best describes how you felt coming out of the meeting?*

  • No different to going in

  • Still uncertain

  • I felt reassured

  • I couldn't have felt more reassured

How would you describe the discussion of priorities in your life other than the mortgage/remortgage (e.g. family plans, business aspirations, retirement)?*

  • We didn’t discuss other priorities

  • We discussed other priorities as part of the necessary mortgage process

  • We discussed other priorities in depth as part of the necessary mortgage process

  • We discussed other priorities in depth and it felt like the adviser took a genuine interest

Did you discuss the risks associated with getting a mortgage?*

  • We didn’t discuss the risks associated with getting a mortgage

  • They asked me questions to assess whether the mortgage is affordable with my current income and expenses

  • As well as assessing whether the mortgage is affordable with my current income and expenses, they also asked me to consider whether the mortgage would be affordable if my situation changed

How would [adviser] earn money from working with you?*

  • They would charge me a fee

  • They would charge me a fee, and earn commission on the mortgage from the lender

  • They would earn commission on the mortgage from the lender

  • Not sure

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