Would not ask a question until the next scheduled meeting

How to improve your score:

Emphasise Throughout
Explain & Repeat. Assuming your ongoing service allows unlimited contact, ensure this is explained and emphasised at outset. Repeat it in each subsequent conversation you have with your client to drive the point home.

Follow Up. Prominently write that your client can contact you at any time if they have a question, or update to their circumstances) on all correspondence you send them (letter, email, newsletter, suitability report)
Set expectations
How & Where? Be clear on how you want your clients to contact you. Should they send an email, call the office and leave a message for you to call them back, or call you directly on your mobile? Most clients are fine with any of the above as long as they know what process to follow.

Respond. If a client contacts you and you’re busy, drop them a quick message or email to say that you’ve got their message and will be in touch when you’re free later that day/tomorrow/next Tuesday. People are generally happy to wait if they know what’s going on. No response at all can lead to feeling ignored, which does nothing for advocacy! 
Reach out
Touching base. Give clients a call with no agenda other than to see if they’re OK, or to ask about a life event (trip, retirement, big birthday). Keep the conversation focused on them and don’t mention finances! This makes you appear more accessible to them and promotes advocacy as your client will feel that you genuinely care about their well being.

Whilst a client shouldn’t need to contact you regularly, the feeling that you are there whenever they need you provides a feeling of safety and is a big driver of advocacy. It also means that you’ll get to know about any updates to the client’s circumstances that require a change in strategy. 

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