Financial Advisers - Client Feedback Questions and Answers

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Your feedback for adviser, [adviser full name]

Thank you for leaving feedback through, this form takes 5-10 minutes to complete.

[Adviser first name] doesn't currently have a public profile on and therefore all responses will initially be private to them and their firm. Should [Adviser first name] opt to create a public profile on in the future, certain parts of your feedback will appear publicly. These are labelled as 'Feedback can be made public' throughout the form.
Feedback can be made public

Quality of Advice (Star Rating 1-5)

Quality of Service (Star Rating 1-5)

Value for Money (Star Rating 1-5)

Feedback will remain private to the adviser and their firm

How much do you agree with the following statement: "My adviser's reviews on VouchedFor mean I would be more confident recommending them to a friend"

  • Strongly agree
  • Agree
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

In what circumstances would you recommend [adviser] to a family member, friend or colleague?*

  • I would not recommend them
  • I would consider recommending them to people with a specific need, or in a specific situation
  • I would consider recommending them to anyone who expressed a need to speak to an adviser
  • I would be a passionate advocate for them

How likely would you be to recommend [adviser] to others you know? (0 being not at all likely, 10 being very likely)


 □ Yes, I have been a client of [adviser] in the past 5 years, no-one has submitted this review on my behalf, I understand I am responsible for its content and I accept the terms and conditions

Not a client of [adviser first name] yet? Leave a review of your first impression

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Your feedback for adviser, [adviser full name]

Feedback can be made public

Tell us more about the reasons for your rating

In which areas did you receive advice? (Tick all that apply)

What were the circumstances that caused you to initially look for an adviser?*

Free text answer

Have you seen the outcome you were hoping for?*

Free text answer

How has [adviser full name] helped you?*

Free text answer

What could they have done better?

Free text answer

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Your feedback for adviser, [adviser full name]

Feedback will remain private to the adviser and their firm

Has [adviser] asked you to recommend them to people you know?

  • No
  • Yes, Once
  • Yes, more than once

How many times have you recommended the adviser in the last 12 months?*


How often do you and [adviser] speak?

  • Less than once per year
  • Once per year
  • Two to four times per year
  • More than four times per year

Who normally initiates communication between you and [adviser]?

  • Only me
  • Normally me, sometimes the adviser
  • Roughly 50/50 between me and the adviser
  • Normally the adviser, sometimes me
  • Only the adviser

Between scheduled meetings, in what circumstances would you contact [adviser]?

  • Whenever I have a question
  • Only for an urgent or important question
  • I would always wait for the next scheduled meeting

How do you engage with the correspondence you receive from [adviser] and/ or their firm?

  • I take time to read them in full
  • I quickly look for the most important parts
  • I barely read them all
  • N/A - I don’t receive any correspondence

How clear is the correspondence you receive from [adviser] and/or [firm]?

  • Not clear
  • Quite clear
  • Clear
  • Couldn’t be clearer
  • N/a I don’t receive any correspondence

How confident are you that you are on-track to achieve your goals?

  • Not sure
  • Quite confident I’m on track
  • Confident I’m on track
  • Couldn’t be more confident I’m on track

How do you pay for your adviser's services?

  • I pay a fixed fee (£)
  • I pay a percentage (%) of my assets
  • I pay a combination of a fixed fee (£) and percentage (%)
  • I pay an hourly fee
  • My adviser doesn't charge a fee
  • Not sure
  • Other

How confident are you that you understand the potential disadvantages of [adviser]’s recommendations?

  • The potential disadvantages were not pointed out or explained to me
  • I have some understanding but would have preferred more clarity before making my decision
  • I have enough understanding to be confident in my decision
  • I couldn’t be more confident I understand the potential disadvantages

What is your understanding of whether your investments could fall in value?

  • I understand my investments could fall in value
  • I wouldn't ever expect my investments to fall in value
  • Not sure

Has the amount of investment significantly impacted any of the following? (select all that apply)

  • My ability to cover important day to day expenses
  • My confidene that I have enough money in easily-accessible savings to meet the costs of any emergencies
  • None of these

What topics do you discuss in your sessions with [adviser]?

  • We only talk about finances
  • We talk about developments in my life - but it wouldn’t feel right to talk about anything too personal other than finances
  • Other than talking about my finances, I feel comfortable talking to them about personal challenges (e.e bereavement, health issues, relationship difficulties…)

How do you plan to help others in your family prepare for their financial future?*

  • I don't plan to help them prepare
  • They are already working with [adviser] and/or their firm
  • They already have a professional at another firm helping them prepare
  • I plan to help them prepare but don't need the support of [adviser] and/or their firm
  • I would appreciate help from [adviser] and/or their firm with this
  • I'm not sure
  • N/A

Page 4

Your feedback for adviser, [adviser full name]

Optional Questions

The questions below are optional and typically take 30 seconds to complete. If you complete these, you consent to us storing this information and publishing non-personally identifiable information based on your answers if the adviser opts to create a public profile on in the future. The information is used to help other users of our site, to improve our services and by the adviser and their firm to help deliver a better client experience.

What is your gender?

What is your occupation?

What is your household income?

How old are you?

What is the approximate total amount of your savings, investments and pensions?

What is your marital status? When did you first become a client of this adviser?

What is your level of financial expertise?

  • Very High - for example, I am a qualified economist, fund manager or similar
  • High - for example, I regularly follow the financial news
  • Average - I understand the basics
  • Low - I don't have the time or inclination to become a financial whizz!

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Your feedback for adviser, [adviser full name]

Confirm your identity

Lastly, we need to confirm you have a valid email address by sending you an email.

Your name and email will not appear publicly, but they can be used by [adviser first name] and their firm to identify your feedback.

Should [adviser first name] opt to create a public profile in the future your county will be visible next to your feedback on

First name*



□  I understand you may ask this adviser for email evidence of our professional relationship if required, to help prevent fraudulent feedback

Help us prevent fraud (optional and data kept private)



Phone number (optional)

We only use these details if a concern is raised about the authenticity of your feedback. We will keep them private.

How did we do?

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