Verified Subscription

Verified Subscription Fees

All Verified Plans for Financial Advisers, Mortgage Advisers, Equity Release Advisers, Protection-only Advisers and Financial Coaches include: 

  • A fully verified profile
  • The ability to upload qualifications
  • Use of reputation tools e.g. Certificates (subject to qualification), Website Widget, Email Signatures and Review portfolio
  • Appearing as a “Top Rated” Adviser in VouchedFor’s “Top Rated” Guides (subject to qualification and being on an annual subscription) and use of associated “Top Rated” marketing materials
  • Ability to appear as contactable and receive up to a limited quota of contacts (“enquiries”) directly through VouchedFor

Professional type

Monthly rate (rolling) 

Annual rate  

Kickstarter rate*

Financial Adviser, Mortgage Adviser, Equity Release Adviser*

£54 + VAT

£540 + VAT

£18 + VAT 

Financial Coach

£24 + VAT

£240 + VAT 

£18 + VAT 

Protection-only Adviser

£25 + VAT

£300 + VAT

£18 + VAT 

There is a Kickstarter rate of £18 + VAT available for up to 2 years. This rate is available for 2 years from the point of qualifying (for Financial Advisers or Mortgage Advisers) or 2 years from the point of starting to practice (for Protection Advisers or Financial Coaches).

The Verified subscription includes the ability to receive a capped number of enquiries directly through VouchedFor. This quota is not a guarantee of any sort and is steered by the minimum wealth level set by each adviser, as follows:

If you accept financial advice enquiries, the enquiry limits are as follows:

Minimum Wealth Level


Any level of wealth

5 enquiries per quarter

£50k plus

4 enquiries per quarter

£100k plus

3 enquiries per quarter

£250k plus

2 enquiries per quarter

£500k plus

1 enquiry per quarter

If you accept mortgage enquiries, the enquiry limits are as follows:

Minimum Mortgage Level


Any level of mortgage

6 enquiries per quarter

£50k plus

5 enquiries per quarter

£100k plus

4 enquiries per quarter

£250k plus

3 enquiries per quarter

£500k plus

2 enquiries per quarter

Advisers who offer financial and mortgage advice must set a separate minimum wealth level for financial and mortgage advice. Their enquiry quota will be determined by the lowest wealth level they select (e.g. financial advice wealth level is £50k, mortgage wealth level £250k = 4 enquiries per quarter).

The Verified subscription for Protection Advisers has no limit on the number of enquiries that can be received directly through VouchedFor. Any that are received on this membership will not be chargeable.

Direct enquiries are made based on the consumers choice, and are therefore not guaranteed. Consumers are most likely to choose advisers with a high total number of reviews, a great average star rating, and plenty of recent reviews.

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